Greetings! I finally was able to bring this dress to life:
What I love about the dress is the pockets :-)
The process was simple enough, I simply made small dots where the pocket should lay and topstitched the pocket in place.
True this pattern came out in 1950, however the collar design came out 1947-48, so I thought I would get away with it for the party.

I decide to add an extra touch to the waist and collar, by adding some fabric I found from Joann's:

I used the edge of the sleeve pattern to make sure the addition would fit.
One of the things I would change is lowering the waist a tad more. Actually it is one of my normal adjustments, however it slipped my mine.
Even still I truely enjoy the dress and it's an easy sew for any advance beginner and a nice wardeobe builder.
Until next time, one stitch at a time.....